Latest Zodiac Readings


Water Signs Energy Reading 
Pisces ~ Cancer ~ Scorpio
Find your big three

Pisces ♓️

Masculine Energy

Spirit said y’all keep making things harder for yourself and that’s why you keep going through tower phases. I’m hearing Lauren Hill lyrics “ it could all be so simple, but you rather make it hard.” Spirit said some of yall over think too much and be overthinking yourselves out of new beginnings and blessings. Spirit said it’s time to do some self-evaluations and time to make some decisions.

Feminine Energy

Spirit said right now is all about loving your self. Spirit said focus on what makes you happy and work on becoming a better/ stronger version of yourself. That way when it’s time to love again you won’t be so willing to settle for less. You will want more for yourself this go round.

Cancer ♋️

Both Masculine & Feminine Energy

Spirit said some of y’all have been getting y’all hustle on. Yall been getting to the money. Spirit said continue to stay in your unbothered free-spirited energy. This type of energy will bring offers towards you. (Jobs, love, money, material offer)

Scorpio ♏️

Both Masculine & Feminine Energy

Spirit said it’s time for some of you to feel refreshed again. Some of you are entrepreneurs and experienced some setbacks due to life-changing experiences and needed to take some time away from your business or businesses, resulting in you experiencing some financial loss. Now that some time has went by spirit is saying stop running from what you love to do and get a move on it. Spirit said make sure you plan and write things out so that you can go in head strong this time.



Earth Signs Energy Reading 
Taurus ~ Virgo ~ Capricorn
Find your big 3

Taurus ♉️

Both Masculine & Feminine Energy

Spirit said some of you have been putting in that hard work and have been more than patient when it comes to the things that you have been manifesting yet you have been experiencing some delays left and right. For some of you this is because you have some hating ass energy around you. Spirit said stop getting advice from those who don’t want you doing as good or better than them. They’re not going to tell you right.

Virgo ♍️

Both Masculine & Feminine Energy

Spirit said some of you have been a bit unbalanced lately and it definitely shows. Y’all are needing to re-ground yourself. Spirit said it’s time for some of y’all to get out and make new memories with your friends. Some of y’all have been locked up in the house and this is also causing an imbalance. Spirit said it’s time to get out and get around some new energy. Take a vacation or go out or something.

Capricorn ♑️

Masculine Energy

Spirit said an ex is obsessed and is watching your page. You were good to this person, but they was on the bs and you found out their secrets and sent them on their way. Spirit said you are moving on and this person will try to interfere with your next fling.

Feminine Energy

Spirit said some of you have been having back and forth disagreements and arguments with your partner. Spirit said you have caught your partner cheating multiple times and you are at your wits end when it comes to this relationship. Spirit said if they won’t do you right now, they’re not going to do you right later. It’s time to cut them loose.




Fire Signs Energy Reading
Aries ~ Leo ~ Sagittarius
Find your big 3

Aries ♈️

Masculine & Feminine Energy

This year Spirit is leading some of you down a different path. For some of you this path will lead to new love. For some this path will lead to better finances and for some it may be both. Some type of proposal or offer is coming when it comes to love and finances. Spirit said someone is also going to be doing a lot of back and forth traveling either this year or next.

Leo ♌️

Masculine Energy

Spirit is getting some of yall ready for new love. Some of y’all have been experiencing these emotional phases where you’ve been having to work your way through/ shadow work your way through. Spirit has also been revealing to you your triggers which ties to your past traumas. Especially past connections with women. Spirit is wanting you to recognize and release these things so that you can have a clean slate. That way you won't project these troubles onto your new person.

Feminine Energy

Spirit said this year is about getting you aligned with the new you. There may be people you have to disconnect with, but it will be for your betterment. This road is called growth and development.

Sagittarius ♐️

Masculine Energy

I keep hearing “work through it.” Spirit is saying right now some of you need to work through your triggers and past traumas. For some of you, your unhealthy relationship with your father and the way you seen him act with/ towards your mother is hindering your growth. For some of you, your trauma comes from how your mother was treated in abusive relationships. You are needing to do a lot of healing when it comes to this situation if you’re wanting to break the toxic/narcissistic cycles you have been in.

Feminine Energy

Spirit is going to bring those who have been working hard stability this year. Spirit said some of you have a divine connection coming in so don’t be afraid to open up and be heard.



Air Signs Energy Reading 
Aquarius ~ Gemini ~ Libra
Find your big 3

Aquarius ♒️

Masculine Energy

Spirit said it’s time to take a step back and do some self-evaluating. Some of you have been overcoming obstacle after obstacle and Spirit wants you to know that your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Where the rain pours it also shines, so be sure to put your best foot forward each step of the way. That bumpy road will soon smooth out

Feminine Energy

Spirit said some of you have been in isolation mode and moody. Spirit says it’s time for some of you to get back on your path and to start setting your future goals. Spirit said it’s time for you to get back to seeing the beauty in everything.

Gemini ♊️

Masculine & Feminine Energy

Spirit said for some of you it’s time to get back into the spotlight. It’s time to be about that action. Spirit said some of y’all have been in hermit mode for too long and it’s time to get out and do something. Spirit said some of y’all are sitting on what will make you successful.

Spirit said for some of y’all it is knowledge out there to learn. I’m hearing pick up a book. So, if you are feeling pulled to do some reading, then do so.

Libra ♎️

Masculine Energy

Right now, some of you are hooked on winning and making a living. Spirit said, make sure you don’t become imbalance when it comes to managing your career and family. You don’t want to gain one and lose another.

Feminine Energy

Spirit said some of you are with somebody who enjoys the pain that they cause you. Everything that they do is intentional. Spirit said they are literally your worst enemy. Spirit said you are ready to give up on this relationship, but you are also a bit resistant to change. Spirit said it is time set some boundaries and let this relationship go.

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