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Yoni Steam

Yoni Steam

Regular price $7.77 USD
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Nature Is Ki ~Yoni Steam~ May help rejuvenate the Yoni. There is nothing new under the sun! Yoni steams date back to ancient times. Our ancestors would gather herbs and squat over the steam to maintain yoni health. This is very essential, especially after childbirth to help the body heal and get rid of any after birth. Yoni steaming is Holistic Healing!

Two herbs that are included in this product are: Rosemary and Red Raspberry.

Directions: Add 1/4 cup of herbs to a bowl of hot water then squat over the steam. We recommend that you yoni steam for at least 15 to 20 minutes. 

Some benefits of yoni steaming include:

- Removes old matter from the Yoni

- Encourages blood flow to the uterus

- Tones the uterus (Makes your yoni tighter)

-Cleanses unwanted energy! (Get that ex out your system sis!)

- Makes your yoni wetter

- Eases discomfort & pain associated with cramps,yeast infection, fibroids, cyts, endometriosis...ect

- Balances hormones

- Helps restore flora and PH balance

- Aids postpartum recovery

- Can help with vagina odor

- May promote fertility

- May help regulate your cycle

**** This item contains ingredients that may not be listed. Ingredients are always subject to change. ****



Disclaimer: If you are uncertain about possible sensitivity ALWAYS do a skin/patch test on a small area of the body before fully using the produce. Also be sure to ALWAYS consult with a License healthcare professional before, in-between, and after use.


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